German's Chocolate Cake

German's Chocolate Cake

German's Chocolate Cake

German’s Chocolate cake is actually not German, but named after a man by the name of German who made the chocolate. But no matter the name or origin—we just love the ooey-gooey goodness and spectacular looks of this classic cake.This version is just slightly more chocolate and less sweet than the classic; to ramp up the chocolate even more, substitute some of the German’s Sweet Chocolate with semi-sweet or dark.



For the Frosting:

1 12-ounce can of evaporated milk
1 1/2 cups of sugar
1 1/2 sticks (6 ounces) of unsalted butter cut in bits
4 egg yolks
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
1 7-ounce package of sweetened shredded coconut
2 cups of coarsely chopped pecans   

For the Cake:  

8 ounces of German's sweet chocolate chopped
1 teaspoon of vanilla
2 cups of all purpose flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1/4 teaspoon of salt
2 sticks(8 ounces) of butter softened to room temperature
2 cups of sugar
4 egg yolks
1 cup of buttermilk


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°. Lightly coat three 9-inch cake pans with cooking spray; line the bottoms with parchment paper and spray the paper with cooking spray.
  2. Make the frosting: Combine the evaporated milk, sugar, butter, egg yolks and vanilla and cook over medium heat, stirring, until the butter is melted. Cook, stirring occasionally, for another 14 minutes, until the mixture is golden and almost pudding-like (thicker than heavy cream). Remove from the heat and stir in the coconut and pecans. Transfer to a bowl and cool completely for at least 45 minutes. (May be refrigerated).
  3. Make the cake: place the chocolate in a bowl and pour ½ cup boiling water over it; stir until the chocolate is completely melted; stir in the vanilla and set aside.
  4. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt in a bowl; set aside.
  5. Beat the butter and sugar with an electric beater until light and fluffy. Add the yolks one at a time, beating between additions; add the chocolate and beat until it is fully incorporated.
  6. Alternate adding a little flour and buttermilk, beating between additions, until both are fully incorporated. Divide the batter evenly among the three pans; place in the center of the oven and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 30 minutes.